Alsa Crushbone Debating Competition UGM 2014

On November 2014, we joint annual competition held by ALSA LC UGM named ACDC ALSA UGM. This year, the competition had larger scale and broaden from regional to national scale. We sent two teams consisted of Siti Hanum Afuwani, Annisa Puspa and Annisa Samudra as UAD A while Ahmad Puji Santoso, Muhammad Luthfi Imama and Hardanisa Kumaratri as UAD B accompanied by two N1 adjudicators who were Niken Fatma Putri and Kevin.
 The results were : UAD A became the octofinalist yet stopped by UGM B in octofinal round by close margin
UAD B only needed improvement in terms of speaker score for becoming the breaking teams
Niken was able to get title as breaking adjudicator and Kevin was not able to break yet can get C accreditation.

Keep improving debaters ! The winner never quit !

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