SKEPTIC UIN 2015 #result

It was a very interesting competition, that become the fuel for delegates to keep improving their progress in the beginning of this year.

We sent two teams, that gave all their effort which are fortunately created such a good achievements there.
UAD A ( Hanum Afuwani, & Annisa Puspa Kurnia K ) they became the 11th breaking team that proceeded to quarter final yet stopped in semi-final round with the close margin.

UAD B (Ahmad Puji Santoso & Annisa Samudra ) they became the 8th breaking team that proceeded and stopped in quarter-final round by close margin.

It's another good news for our Debating Community that so thirsty with the achievement. Be better in other competitions, we wish u a very good luck. Godspeed!
Annisa Smudra, Hanum, Annisa Puspa & Ahmad Puji

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