Aku Untuk Indonesiaku (AUI) 2015 #result

24th - 26th April 2015 we joint AUI for the first time. We are very glad to see the result from delegates that beyond our expectation.

 It was UAD A ( Hanum Afuwani, Annisa Puspa Kurnia, Annisa Samudra) that became the 5th breaking team, and able to beat UGM in the 3th round, although they ended the struggle in quarter-final.

We also proud of the effort that UAD B ( M. Iqwan Sanjani, Ahmad Puji S, Hardhanisa K ) gave, they became the 11th breaking team and stopped in octo-final round.

What made us so popeyed is that 2 of our debaters becoming the top 10 best speakers that were Hanum and Annisa Puspa.
Keep improving guys!!

Annisa Puspa K, Siti Hanum, & Annisa Samudra

Annisa S, Annisa P, Hardanisa, & Ahmad Puji S

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